Podcast Agni Ajurweda #111: #jestemlatarnią Rozmowa z Olą Najderek o Szkole Ajurwedy
19 lipca 2022How I started my holistic business
19 lipca 2022Take your business to the next level
Less scenarios, analysis and strategies. More trust and being guided, whether you’re just starting out or already have business experience. We want to have more of this quality in running our businesses. Read the opinions of women who run their business in a holistic way.
State of sync and calm. The feeling that you have so many spaces to draw from. You connect the mind with the heart. This state of affairs is the result and fruit of conducting business in a holistic manner.
I have clients who show other women what is possible through their way of doing business. Not in some ostentatious way, but by being wholly yourself. By the confidence with which they are moving, they enter, they speak. Through the calmness with which even difficult experiences go through.
Read the opinions of women who run their business in a holistic way
Maria is an exceptional business woman as she truly leads from the heart and embraces intuition, joy and flow as her success ingredients. She is a shining example that you can run an abundant business from a higher place of alignment and consciousness without stress, anxiety and burnout. She is an inspiration!
Elena Herdieckerhoff,
successful businesswoman and TEDx speaker
You will not be the same person any more after this course with wonderful Maria and her great team. Maria is a woman of vision and you can count on rising up from where you are right now to new aspects in both your business and private life. This is a personal growth journey that you are about to say yes to and I wish you good luck as I know you are in the best hands.
Marian Nielsen Joos,
business shaman
With Maria you will learn how to build your holistic business from a new perspective of inner connection and alignment, while at the same time you are expanding your consciousness. Maria’s deep knowing of Ayurveda will show you how to live in balance and taking good care of yourself while building your holistic business. You will go through a deep transformation that helps you living your Dharma from the inside out with ease, giving you freedom and peace.
Elisabeth Engel,
energy coach
I met Maria Nowak-Szabat in 2015 and since then I have had the great pleasure to observe how her business grows. Maria was searching for her own, unique way of running a company. During many trainings, mentorships and coaching sessions she got to know all standard procedures recommended by experts. And then she realised that not all of them fit her needs. She was testing different solutions which helped to develop not only her business but also herself. Now she creates a thriving business, which is nurturing for her and her clients in a holistic and ayurvedic way. There are many experts who tell you how to build a business, but few who have experience in building a business in a narrow niche where not all standard solutions work.
Anna Kupisz
business and financial strategist, coach and mentor
Co-creating a business with Maria Nowak-Szabat is a meeting of what is human on the level of feeling and comprehension to the same extent. Insight, mindfulness, wide horizons, own experience, the wisdom of many teachers and consistent, calm pursuit of the goal – these are the qualities I see in Maria. It is thanks to her leading me in the background and co-creating with her various new paths that my Institute is today embedded in a beautiful service to many people for the healing of personal and professional relationships. Maria Nowak-Szabat is a part of every Tissue of Success that I have been building calmly and with the feeling of being in good hands with her as a trainer, mentor, woman and a human.
Anna Choińska,
head of the Institute for Family Reconciliation
The space of intuition
Too much in business is done forcibly, according to the traditional masculine paradigm where everything has to be logically justified.
A soft, holistic way of doing business means being open to statistics, analysis and arguments, but also to all things that come from a different space. From the space of feeling, intuition, insight and dreams.
If each of us were able to do a holistic business, we would do the work for humanity. For the good of the people we work with, talk to and serve. It is worthwhile to get power from the body, mind and spirit.